How to Improve Your Personality
Part 1 of 3: Identifying Traits 1- Sit down and list your positive personality traits. Try to number them in order of how confident you are that you possess these traits. For example, traits include good listener, outgoing, expressive, introspective, thoughtful or intelligent. 2- List your negative personality traits. These are the things that people tend to respond to, or things you think stand in your way. For example, shy, angry, talkative, judgmental or nervous. Keep in mind that positive and negative are subjective in this scenario. Someone might think they are too outgoing or that being talkative is a positive thing. Personality changes should be based on your opinions and desires for self-improvement. It is most likely harder to make this list than your first list. Take your time and consider how your personality when you're with others or when you're alone, since these may be the main things you want to change. 3- ...