
Showing posts from March, 2015

Nine Steps to Building Retail Bank Customers Will Love

Develop a customer-focused vision: Define how the bank can become more compelling to customers Copy what other customer-Intimate Industries do: Retail banks don't have a deep legacy of customer Intimacy. Steal from those that do such as retailers. Create a case for change: Quantify how the bank will derive value from the vision Tie core transformation to the vision: Define transformation in system upgrade terms and you'll get nowhere.

15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know

"I feel sorry for you when they become teenagers." "Dude, you're surrounded by women." "What did you do to deserve that?" Being a dad of four daughters (we also have one son), I hear stuff like this almost daily. And honestly, I'm the one who feels sorry for people who think this way. Having daughters is one of the greatest joys I could imagine. We have a saying at our house that goes like this, "I love you more today than I did yesterday." Raising girls is a privilege, not a burden. I certainly don't have it all figured out, but I have learned 15 things about raising girls these last 11 years. 1. She wants to be loved. More than she wants the stuff you can buy her or the things you can teach her, she wants you to love her. No one else on Earth can assume your role as daddy. Your daughter will let you down, make huge mistakes, and maybe even turn her back to you for a season, but don't ever let her doubt your love fo...

20 Signs of Giftedness within children

While IQ tests and other assessments can help identify giftedness in school-age children, kids are also commonly identified as gifted by the observations of families, teachers, and friends. Below are some of the characteristic traits of children gifted in terms of general intellectual ability, adapted from a detailed checklist from Austega . Note: no one gifted child exhibits all the traits. Learns rapidly, easily, and efficiently